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If stock markets excite you and you wish to make a career in Professional trading activities Genuine Stock Broker is your broker of first choice.

Multi City Presence: Genuine Stock Broker is a member of the major exchanges in India, with dealing expertise in Cash and Derivatives markets.

Trading Expertise, Market Insight, Informed Decisions: Our people have a wealth of experience and knowledge about Professional trading and arbitrage across financial markets and we are able to interpret Information quickly and accurately for trading purposes.

We seek to employ the most talented individuals. The Company's exciting vision, strong leadership and team mentality, along with its innovative compensation structure, will provide successful applicants with a vibrant working environment which will reward top performance.

We seek to recruit, hire, and train highly young graduates and experienced professionals. We have adopted a competency based approach to recruitment and development. We aim to achieve the highest organizational and individual performance through the implementation of latest business trends and practical skills. Our goal is to become a leading organization by nurturing self-learning, informal training, and lifelong learning.

Our combination of technology, experience and Infrastructure is second to none in the Industry

If you would like to pursue a career with Genuine Stock Brokers, Register immediately...
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